How Energy Psychology Saved Me from a Life of Suffering

If you’ve been following my posts at all, you’ve heard me talk extensively about my journey to Energy Psychology. I suffered with debilitating depression and anxiety for many years. Most of the time, all I was able to do was to make sure that I fed myself and went to work. I didn’t have any energy left over for anything else. I would drag myself out of bed drag while trying to beat down my dread about facing the day, drag myself through my work, then drag myself home to lay on the couch where I would ruminate about how much I hated my life. This wasn’t living. It was subsistence.

I tried all kinds of treatments. I tried antidepressants. I tried several kinds of talk therapy. I tried meditation. I tried coaching. I tried joining a support group.  I read lots of self-help books.

Unfortunately, none of these really helped.

About 20 years ago, after all this searching for an effective treatment for my depression, I was finally introduced to Energy Psychology. A colleague showed me where to tap on my body over Traditional Chinese Medicine meridian acupoints while I made statements about my feelings.  At first, I thought it was totally stupid and pointless, but it actually worked! I felt better within a few minutes!  Little did I know that Traditional Chinese Medicine has been using acupoints for treatment for thousands of years. From that day on I was like a dog with a bone trying to understand how Energy Psychology works!

In short, Energy Psychology is the branch of psychology that “comprises a family of methods designed to strategically and methodically intervene with human energy fields in elevating physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Applications incorporate natural energetic components into the treatment process that include, but are not limited to, meridians, chakras, biofields, and bio-electrical and electromagnetic activity of the body, the nervous system and the heart.”  Energy Psychology practitioners generally discuss the presenting issue or challenge with their client, and then use a gentle bio-field intervention (such as tapping on a meridian or holding a chakra point on the body) to elicit a change in state.

Not too long after my introduction to meridian acupoint tapping, I was asked to create and teach a survey course on Energy Psychology for graduate students at the university where I was teaching at the time. During the preparation for that course, I was introduced to a number of highly effective energy psychology methodologies, including Healing from the Body Level Up (HBLU™), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). NeuroEmotional Technique (NET), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and others. I decided to use these tecniques on myself and my clients, and the results have been profound. I’ve gone from struggling with my career, my relationships, and mood to having a thriving career, getting happily married, and feeling good most of the time. If I have depression or anxiety now, there’s a good reason. My clients are going from refusing to date to dating weekly, hating themselves to accepting themselves, struggling with money to financially secure, and having more fun in their lives. It’s a joy to see their lives significantly and rapidly improve.

As an example, when Jane came to see me she told me that what she wanted more than anything was to have a comfortable and loving romantic relationship. She felt burned by love in the past, and she hadn’t been on a date in 7 years! When I inquired why, she said dating was scary. We treated the trauma of her past relationships, along with her hopelessness, fear, shame, regret, and yearning. We transformed her limiting beliefs that love isn’t safe, love isn’t for me, and love has passed my by to love can be safe with the right person, love is for me, and I’m never too old for love. By our 5th session, she was ready to date! She joined 3 online dating sites, and went on some dates. She flirted with men she met socially. She went to parties and met men. She tells me now that dating is fun! Today, she is actively dating and hopeful she will find the one, but she knows it’s a process.

There is entirely too much suffering in this world. If you can relate to my story or Jane’s, you don’t have to suffer any longer. I encourage you to try any of the methodologies I found to be effective, or to learn more about Integrative Biofield Healing Arts (IBHA), an energy psychology methodology that I created to that employs easy to use tools to create the life you want, click the tab IBHA tab at the top of the page.


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