About Michelle
I am a sexologist, integrative psychologist, researcher, and intuitive. For nearly two decades, I have been teaching Human Sexuality courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, while concurrently facilitating healthy sexuality for my clients in my private practice.
I serve as research faculty at the California Institute for Human Science Graduate School and Research Center in Encinitas, California. My research focuses on gender studies, human sexuality, and sexual healing. Right now, I am studying healthy sexuality.
I have always been interested in sexuality. I was the one everyone knew as the girl who wanted to talk about sex and relationships. As I grew up and went through college and graduate school, I saw how so many people suffer because they don't like some part of their sexuality, or they don't like their bodies, or they want sexual and romantic relationships, but they can't seem to find good partners, or they feel as if their sexuality is bad and wrong. I wanted to help people find peace with these issues, or any other issue they had with their sexuality, so it was no surprise that when I went into private practice, this is the area of specialty I chose.
When working with clients, my approach is warm and accepting, but focused. I am unshockable and I assure you that what you have to share with me will be met without judgment.
My orientation is sex-positive. I believe that sex is good and healthy, that sexual expression is for everyone regardless of sexual preference, age, physical ability, or marital status, and that all forms of sexual expression (barring those that are not consensual or cause harm) are a wonderful part of life.
Sometimes during a session, I will intuitively feel or think something that may be useful to explore. At such times, I share my insights and we discuss how and why this might be relevant to you on your healing journey. I encourage my clients to access their own intuitive inner guidance, as these insights are usually highly valuable in the healing process.
I also create and present workshops on energy psychology, human sexuality, sexual healing, and sacred sexuality for public and private organizations and academic conferences. I love being a sex educator and helping people to achieve happy, healthy sexuality.
I hope to meet you soon, whether you want to experience healing as a client, or if you'd like to take a training course, or if we meet socially and you would just like to say hello.
Michelle Dexter, Psy.D., NLPCC